بلغ الحمل الكهربائي الأقصى يوم أمس الأربعاء 3170 م.واط البطاينة: إنجاز المرحلة الثانية من مشروع الربط الكهربائي مع العراق بنهاية تموز ارتفاع البنزين والكاز وانخفاض الديزل عالميا الضريبة" تتيح التحقق من صحة الفاتورة عبر تطبيق سند ترجيح تخفيض سعر البنزين بين 2 و2.5 قرشا الطاقة: انخفاض الطلب على المشتقات النفطية 14%

Trainig Programs in Electrical Trainig Center

The training programs are designed to meet the needs of local and foreign companies and institutions at various technical levels in the fields of (electricity, control, and mechanics). The Electrical Training Center provides the following training programs:

  • 01 Qualification Training

    This program is a long-term training program designed to prepare new technicians for electricity companies. The center trains the technicians based on the need of the electricity companies for new technicians. The training is thorough and detailed, designed to equip the trainees with the necessary skills and knowledge to be effective in their work.

  • This type of training is targeted at enhancing the skills of the technical staff of NEPCO as well as the local market in Jordan. These are short-term courses that are designed to improve the skills of the trainees in specific areas of electrical work.

  • This type of training is designed for trainees from neighboring countries outside Jordan. The center caters to institutions and individuals who seek training in this field and is not limited to Jordanians alone.

  • Providing educational institution training is part of the NEPCO's commitment to social responsibility towards the community, and also continues to contribute to bridging the gap between academic learning and practical training, and to prepare graduates for the actual job market.This training is divided into two categories :

    The first is practical training, which is a mandatory requirement for all electrical engineering students to graduate. The training takes two months.

    The second type of training is providing opportunities for electrical engineering students to conduct practical experiments in the center's laboratories and workshops. Most universities do not have such facilities, making the center an essential resource for the education of engineering students.


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