النفط يختتم تداولاته الأسبوعية على انخفاض طاقة النواب تناقش الأحد اعتماد أسطوانات الغاز "البلاستيكية" بلغ الحمل الكهربائي الأقصى يوم أمس السبت 4300 م.واط هيئة الطاقة: سعر اسطوانة الغاز البلاستيكية لن يختلف عن المعدنية لجنة الطاقة في الأعيان تزور مركز التحكم الوطني في شركة الكهرباء الوطنية
Course Title Targted Audience Duration (Training Hours)
Fundamentals of Protective Relays for Engineers Engineers 25
Advanced protection for Engineers Engineers 25
Project Planning using Microsoft Project Trainees 25
Transformer Maintenance & Testing According to IEC & IEEE Standards Engineers 50
Transformer Maintenance & Diagnostic Testing for Technicians Trainees 25
Substations Control Schemes Engineers 25
High voltage Substations installation procedures & Schematic drawings Engineers 50
HV & MV Circuit Breakers Maintenance & Diagnostic Testing According to IEC & IEEE Standards Engineers 20
MV Switchgear Testing , Maintenance & Operation Engineers,Trainees 25
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) – level I Engineers,Trainees 25
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) – level II Engineers, Trainees 25
Solar Energy Professional Engineers 25
Protection coordination Engineers 25
Power System Modelling and Simulation using ETAP. Engineers 50
Integration and Grid Impact of Renewable Energy Generation Engineers 50
Introduction to Digsilent Engineers 25
Cybersecurity for critical infrastructure Engineers 50
Smart Meter & Meters Data Management System Engineers 20
MV & HV Instrument Transformer Testing Engineers 15-25
Batteries & Battery Chargers ( For Substations) Engineers , Trainees 25
Earthing System design according to IEEE & IEC standards Including testing techniques Engineers 50
Earthing Principles for Technicians Trainees 20
Earthing Principles for Low Voltage Networks Engineers 25
AC Motors classic Control Engineers , Trainees 25
Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) Engineers , Trainees 50
HVAC & Refrigeration systems maintenance Engineers , Trainees 25
Safety rules of Industrial facilities Engineers , Trainees 25
Safe Tower Climbing Engineers , Trainees 15
MV Underground Power Cables Jointing Engineers , Trainees 25
MV Underground Power Cables Size Selection and Testing Engineers , Trainees 25-50
MV Overhead Distribution Networks Construction Engineers , Trainees 50
Low Voltage Bare Conductors Overhead Networks Construction /td> 25
Overhead Low voltage Arial Bundled Cable Networks Construction Engineers , Trainees 25
Overhead Distribution Networks Maintenance Engineers , Trainees 25
Low voltage live line Networks Maintenance Engineers , Trainees 25-50
House Wiring Fundamentals Engineers , Trainees 25
Fiber Optic Cables Laying , Jointing and Testing Engineers , Trainees 25-50
Control cables glanding, wiring and testing Engineers , Trainees 15
OHTL Conductor Joints Engineers , Trainees 15
OHTL Structure Replacement, assembly and construction Engineers , Trainees 25-50
Line Man Maintenance Engineers , Trainees 50
Live Line Man Maintenance Engineers , Trainees 50
Fundamentals of welding technology Engineers , Trainees 25-50
SMAW welding technology Engineers , Trainees 25-50
GMAW welding technology Engineers , Trainees 25-50
Oxyacetylene welding Engineers , Trainees 25-50
GTAW welding on ferrous plates Engineers , Trainees 25-50
GTAW welding on nonferrous plates Engineers , Trainees 25-50
GTAW welding on ferrous pipes Engineers , Trainees 25-50
GTAW welding on nonferrous pipes Engineers , Trainees 25-50